Spring is almost here!! Can I get an amen??
This season symbolizes a great refreshment, a time to get rid of the old, and welcome the new. This year is a year that has been full of ups and downs, and while we can acknowledge a lot is going on in the world right now, for the sake of our well-being, we must take some time to focus on our physical and mental states.
Today, I will list some ways you can foster a reset in your mind, body, and soul.
- Exercise: Getting out into nature is beyond good for our minds, bodies, and souls. The fresh air, the trees, the vastness. It’s all good for us who have been locked up inside 4 walls for months on end. Moving our bodies gives life to our bones, and is a great way to refresh our minds as well.
- Journal: Journal about your achievements in the last couple of months, where you are now, and the goals you have for the rest of the year. Don’t forget to have compassion for yourself, and celebrate your achievements. Note any negative beliefs you may have, as they may hinder your ability to reach your goals. Combat those fears with facts (I like scriptures from the bible, for example!) and what you know to be true.
- Clean your space: A spring reset wouldn’t be a reset without changing your environment a little! Bring flowers into your home, clear clutter, and spice up the feel of your space with new scents, furniture, etc. Turn on some music and dance to your favorite tunes as you give your living space a tune-up. Give your car a nice wash as well!
- Do something that lifts your soul: What makes you happy? Is it music, art, dance, food, etc? Do something that brings light to your being and soul. Paint something, write something, or bake for your neighbor, the possibilities are endless.
DOWNLOAD THIS 👉🏾 Spring Renewal Printable to setting a plan for your Spring renewal rituals. Use this FREE printable to set up practices to promote health, wellness, and joy.
What are some ways you are going to do a self-cleanse for the new season? Share your thoughts below!
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