Unplug and Unwind

Unplug and Unwind

Oh, the holiday season! Just family, friends, and good times!

Don't we wish! In reality, the holiday season can be the busiest, most stressful time of year for us all. We may find ourselves running here and there for those last-minute items. Stores are crowded, people are angry and argumentative. Just grabbing some groceries has become a daunting task.  

It's the week before Thanksgiving and a pinch more than a month until Christmas. Your regularly scheduled activities, except work, have now been postponed or canceled altogether. You're snappy towards just about anyone, your mind is running constantly and your energy levels are low. Overall, you feel sluggish and cranky, but why? 

Let me help you out, friend. It's wonderful to put others ahead of yourself and try to make the holidays special to those you love. However, you forgot to treat yourself special. You put all the things that feed your mind, body, and soul off to the side. You decided that you did not have to have those things, that they were simply enjoyable luxuries. Friend, you were wrong. According to, clinical psychologist Natalie Christine Dattilo, Ph.D., "Without self-care, we compromise our mental wellness and our ability to cope with life’s inevitable curveballs.” You must allow yourself the time each day to feed your mind, body, and soul. It's not those moments when you're watching television or scrolling through social media but those genuine calming yet invigorating moments that give you energy and resilience.

"Rest and self-care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”– Eleanor Brownn

Here's a strategy to use for guidance during your Unplug and Unwind time.


(Dattilo says she uses this as a checklist when she wants to be reminded about the self-care practices that work.)

Exercise or physical activity

Moving your body is one form of self-care, and it can look like a lot of different things. The key is doing what you want, or what you feel moved to do that day. Exercise does not have to mean white-knuckling your way through a HIIT class if that’s not your thing. Go for a walk, bike ride, swim, dance—really, anything that gets you moving counts.

Sleep or rest

I don’t know about you, but when I’m sleep-deprived or tired, I’m definitely not my best self. Besides the health reasons you don’t want to skimp on sleep when it comes to mental and emotional health, sleep helps you live your best life. Don’t forget that sleep and rest are not the same things, although both deserve places on your self-care list.

Connect with others or me

It’s natural to crave connection as humans, and these days, finding a true sense of connection can be really hard. Connecting with others can happen over screens, sure, but nothing beats the feeling of connecting with someone you love IRL. But if that’s not possible, virtual connections beat not connecting at all. That goes for your relationship with yourself, too. Make time to do whatever helps you feel connected to yourself, whether that means journaling or doing something you love.

Appreciate or gratitude practice

Gratitude journaling can be a powerful tool, but it’s not the only way to practice gratitude. Telling others you appreciate them is one way, as is reflecting on the things you are most thankful for.

Play or pleasure

Play is one term that adults don’t throw around enough. Find out what feels playful to you and make that your self-care practice.


Focusing on breathing, whether it’s a single breathing exercise in a stressful moment or adopting a full-on practice, can help you calm your nervous system. Take some time to find a breathwork practice that works for you.

(Excerpt from: https://www.wellandgood.com/why-self-care-is-important/)

I challenge you to take 30 minutes to an hour a day to yourself to replenish your mind and body.

👉🏾 Comment below ⬇ on how you plan to use your time to replenish your mind and body.

Practice Self-Care with the Little Brown Box.

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1 comment

I plan to take that 30 min to myself to show gratuity for the things I have and that are to come. Thank you EbonyNotes!!


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